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Adult home schooling is a valid alternative for obtaining a high school diploma within the State of Texas. The difference between home schooling and a traditional school is that school work is completed from the comforts of your own home and does not require you to attend traditional classes.


Required curriculum should be completed within 6 months from your date of registration and you must receive a score of 70 or better on each subject. Upon passing all required subjects, you will receive your high school diploma within 2 weeks.


Should you fail any subject, you will have an opportunity to retest. You will be allowed to test twice without any additional fees.  Upon your third attempt, an additional fee of $20.00 will be required for each subject. Once you receive your high school diploma you will be able to attend any public community college or university in Texas.  In Addition, you can use your high school diploma for employment opportunities for advancement.




Let's Talk About It!

Sometimes we have problems that are beyond just getting a diploma. At SALA, we believe in the Power of a Christ-centered life. We have counselors at our disposal who are ready to help you navigate through the trials of life. If this is something you would like to experience, flyers are available at the SALA office or you can contact My Friend's House Christian Fellowship at (210) 421-0486. 

Anchor 1
Language Arts

• English I

• English II

• English III

• English IV

• Practical Writing

• Algebra I

• Geometry

• Math Models

• Algebra II


Social Studies

• Astronomy

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Physics

• World Geography

• World History

• U.S. History

• Government

• Economics

Electives & Other Coursework

• Art

• Citizenship

• Communications Applications

• Finance

• Health

• Journalism

• PE

• Reading

• Spanish I

• Spanish II

• Study Skills

• Technology


• College Readiness

• Job Readiness 

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